
Founded in 1977 by ten leading overseas bankers in Hong Kong, the Club has evolved over the years, adapting to the ever-changing nature of Hong Kong’s business, social and cultural landscape. Over the past decades, our membership has grown to include Members from most of the city’s major financial institutions and many of the world’s countries. In December 1995, the Club formally changed its name from The Hong Kong Overseas Bankers Club to The Hong Kong Bankers Club.
The Club is wholeheartedly dedicated to serving our longstanding Members, while warmly welcoming a vibrant new generation of financial professionals and dynamic senior executives in finance and related industries. With more than two thousand Members today, and a new, strikingly designed Club in the heart of Central, The Hong Kong Bankers Club retains its time-honoured reputation as one of the major pivots of Hong Kong’s financial and business community.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and see how the Club transformed through the past decades.
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Main Dining Room
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Main Dining Room
Ut maximus quam ac vestibulum volutpat. Vivamus accumsan eget magna at aliquet. Pellentesque sagittis leo at placerat tincidunt. Nunc a tempor dolor, in posuere lorem. Proin porttitor blandit iaculis. Mauris condimentum est vitae magna tincidunt rutrum. Phasellus faucibus dictum magna
Main Dining Room

Club Address

3/F, Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong

(852) 2521 2365

(852) 2868 5208

